Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm Still Here!!

What a long time between posts and seems like an even longer time between making beads!  It has been a fun and busy winter with our traveling and guests though.  I have a lot of catching up to do with beads and jewelery I made at least a month or so ago but I'm just going to start with my most current beads and work backwards - or I will just get too overwhelmed I think.

These were made in my southern studio using my new (not brand new but new to me) Nortel Minor Burner that I'm just getting used to.  The flame is finer than my Carlisle Mini CC which I'm used to working on so these are simple beads.  It takes me a little longer to make each bead also. 
These have silver foil in them and you can see the shiny black between the different colors.  I made a small test bead with the red one and I like it a lot and will be making some more of these!!!

Here are some other views of the same beads:
You can see the shiny foil well in this photo.

That's it for this post - I told you it would be short.  As always, thank you for stopping by to read my blog!!!

Back soon!!!

Contact me:
Follow my life of Lampworking:
Purchase my beads and Jewelry:
Finished Jewelry will be sold on site again later this spring at: SALVATORE CAPELLI SALON 114 W. South Boundary Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 - In the Country Charm Shoppes.
Just for fun: Facebook: Glass Lampwork beads and Jewelry by Chris Sanderson

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Just wanted to stop by with a quick post.  Didn't want you all to think I was not making beads and jewelry.  Actually I am not making anything at my usual pace because I have been traveling around quite a bit and enjoying time with family and friends.  I hope to get more photos up on my Artfire site and here on my blog in the next few weeks.  Until then, I will post this photo of a pair of earrings I made for a friend who is gracefully fighting breast cancer.  This photo was taken with my phone so the colors are not exactly accurate but I think in this case, it will do just fine.
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Best wishes and good health to all!  Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.

Contact me:
Follow my life of Lampworking:
Purchase my beads and Jewelry:
Finished Jewelry sold on site later this spring: SALVATORE CAPELLI SALON 114 W. South Boundary Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 - In the Country Charm Shoppes.
Just for fun: Facebook: Glass Lampwork beads and Jewelry by Chris Sanderson