Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Finally Trying A Tutorial I've Had For Quite A While

The reason I kept putting off making one of these was because it's an intimidating bead for me.  This tutorial was written by and artist whose work I have admired for quite some time, so that was another factor in my head - "I can't possibly make beads the way Anouk does."  Then there is the fact that I will probably be using an entire rod of silvered glass on something that may look like mud when I make it and I hate wasting that precious glass.  So anyways, I am in a testing and experimenting mood these days so I went for it and here is my first attempt at an Armadillo Bead.

My first attempt at an armadillo bead.
 Alright, I'm pretty happy with it.  It took me a long time to make this bead and I would not want to make more than a couple of these each day.  The fact that I used an entire rod of Clio is another reason not to make too many of these in a day.  As you can see I did not spend a lot of time on my outer design/finishing work because I was still not sure it was going to turn out and I did not want to waste any precious silvered glass murini either.  Next time, I'll be a bit more trusting of my ability.
Somewhat hard to photograph the great colors and shimmers in this bead but check out the top of the bead for a clue.
Now for a second attempt from the tutorial.  This one was even harder for me as I do not make a lot of beads this shape so I was a bit challenged at keeping the weight even on both sides of this bead.  I did however, learn quite a bit in this one bead alone that will open a few creative doors for me!!!!

I can't tell you how I made either of these beads because it was a purchased tutorial.  But you can order the tutorial from TrollLover's etsy shop if you like.  As for me, I will need to refer back to my notes dated 3/24/2013.

Now that those two new beads totally wore me out, I went back to my testing mode.  I have quite a bit of new color that I have been itching to test out so this may be boring as it's going to be a lot of information just for my own reference.

Testing Turquoise Gray 591854 and Antique Green 591852.  I like the way Dk. Ivory reacts with the Turquoise Gray!!!
1. Turquoise Gray, 2. Antique Green, 3. AG base w/Ivory, TG and AG dots, 4. Dk. Ivory and TG, 5. Dk. Ivory and AG.

This next bead I really like!!!  
Black base with alternating dots of the TG and AG.

Next I'm testing CIM Shrubbery 511410 and Effetre Earth Cool Color 591688.  I think the Shrubbery separates a bit too much for the application (over black) I used in the last bead shown in this next photo.  I do like the way Shrubbery works with Ivory.  And I think I am in love  with Earth!  I could tell when I was making these spacers they would be awesome so I made several and have plans for them already!!!
1. CIM Shrubbery, 2-11 Earth, 12. Mix of these two over Dk. Ivory, 13. Black and Shrubbery.

I don't care much for either of these next two colors.  Here I am testing CIM Blue Suede Shoes and CIM Pimento.  I can see uses for each of these colors separately but not together.  I tested the BSS on both CIM Peace and Effetre White and both whites became very fuzzy.  BSS layers nicely when left raised.

1. Pimento and Blue Suede Shoes w Blk. dots, 2. Peace and BSS, 3. White and BSS.
Testing Carribean Sea Pastel 91227.  Very interesting effect - just worked it as a normal glass in a neutral flame.

Testing Green Cave 591856 and Moss Green 591853.  Green Cave strikes to a darker green the long it is worked in the flame.  The 3 small spacers together in the following photo show this.  I made all of these on the same mandrel and the one I made last is on the right and it maintained a very pretty blue while the other two turned green.  The longer it is worked, the more cool striations come up.  So while I like the nice silvered blue color I also like it as a darker green.  Moss Green has virtually no reaction to Lt. Ivory which was unexpected but good to know!

1. Green Cave base, Lt. Ivory dots covered with GC and French Blue, raised dots of black, 2 -4. GC, 5. Moss Green over Lt. Ivory, topped with raised black dots, 6. MG
 Well that's enough testing for one day.  I enjoy it but I get bored with it quickly.  To finish up this day at the torch I made some masked pattern beads.  As you have read in my blog before, I relax and enjoy making this style of bead.  I just played with some new ideas and variations that I had floating around in my head.

That's it.  I'm caught up with all the beads I have taken photos of!!!  It took longer than I thought but I had a wonderful Easter weekend with the family so I just didn't have time to get my blogging finished.  I have a few hours to myself now, so I'm going to go make a few beads this evening!!!!!

Thanks for reading my blog!

Contact me: chrissandersonbeads@gmail.com - to make an appointment to see my beads and jewelry at my home studio.
Follow my life of Lampworking: http://beadsbychrissanderson.blogspot.com
Purchase my beads and Jewelry: http://www.artfire.com/users/BeadsByChris
Finished Jewelry sold on site at:  
1. Mermaid's Bite 472 5th Ave. South, Naples, FL 34102
2. Will be returning this spring to SALVATORE CAPELLI SALON 4105 Chapel Drive in the Levis Commons open air mall in Perrysburg
Loose beads (sets and focals) sold on site at:
1. The Bead Boutique 2015 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912
Just for fun: Facebook: Glass Lampwork beads and Jewelry by Chris Sanderson (Remember to click on the "like" button for updates)

Still A Bit Stormy

I just can't seem to stay away from testing out the new storming technique.   This batch of beads is the last of the beads I currently have made that have anything to do with the storming technique.

This first bead is on a base of black with dots of Dk. Ivory and Triton, Stormed Elektra and SC.  This is a large hole bead that I plan to cap and core.  The storming could be a little stronger which seems to be the norm with Elektra.
 This bead will look nice on my CAB necklaces - sort of shown here.
 Another view of the storm ports.

Okay here it comes..... Another wowzer pink bead!!!!!  I was happy happy happy when I opened the kiln and saw this shining though the back of the kiln!!!!
Black base, White dots, Vetrofond Orange T (my favorite for this color combo,) Clear, Clio, Stormed OR, SC.

This next bead is not as vibrant in everyday light as it shows here in the photo.  It's still orange in appearance but it is slightly lighter.
 Black base, Dk. Ivory, Reichenback Pink Lady, Stormed OR, SC.

This is my personal favorite bead of the day!
Black base, Dk Ivory, Nyx, Stormed OR, SC and raised reduced Elektra dots.

I really like the way this combination stormed - very pretty lighting blue!

This is a very pretty bead but it was a dud as far as storming goes.  No storming is seen with the naked eye however you can see some small areas of it when under the photo lights.
Black base, Dk. Ivory, Nyx, Stormed Elektra, SC.  I think the Nyx is just too dark to use with the Stormed Elektra.

My purple lovers will like this color combination.  Lavender is more of a true description of this pretty color.  The actual bead is a bit wonky with my clear dot application but it was too pretty not to show you a bead that is not up to snuff.
Black base, Dk. Ivory, Ink Blue, Stormed OR, SC.

This bead has a very interesting color combination but not much storming. Cerulean Turquoise Shimmer is the name my daughter gave this bead.
 Black base, Dk. Ivory, Ink Blue, Stormed Elektra, SC.

This next bead is also a bit weak on color.  I thought it would be a nice combo but my expectation of the Dark Lavender was a bit high.
 This photo shows a bit more of the swirling effect,
 Black base, Dk. Ivory, Dk. Lavender, Stormed OR, SC.

My practice for the day.  I am still trying to make a few hollow beads each time I work at the torch so I get more consistent with my results and I also experiment with new color combinations and glass applications.
CIM Pulsar and Effetre Grass Green.

This hollow bead is sold now - it was made into a pendant for a girlfriends weekend gift exchange.  I think I need to organize a girls weekend soon!
 This is Effetre Aqua with Aurae decoration - reduced at the end of course.

Last bead of the day.  Even though this bead did not do what I thought it would do, I do like it.  It has a lizard look and feel to it.  The storming is noticeable but not as strong as I would like.  I plan to cap and core this bead too!
 You can see the storming a bit better in this photo.  Black base, Dk. Ivory, Triton, Stormed Oxalis on center row, Stormed Notos on outside rows then they all have a bit of Stormed OR, SC.

I don't think I am finished playing with storming yet but I am pretty sure my next post will not have any storming in it.    You will have to check back soon and see I guess.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog!!!

Contact me: chrissandersonbeads@gmail.com - to make an appointment to see my beads and jewelry at my home studio.
Follow my life of Lampworking: http://beadsbychrissanderson.blogspot.com
Purchase my beads and Jewelry: http://www.artfire.com/users/BeadsByChris
Finished Jewelry sold on site at:  
1. Mermaid's Bite 472 5th Ave. South, Naples, FL 34102
2. Will be returning this spring to SALVATORE CAPELLI SALON 4105 Chapel Drive in the Levis Commons open air mall in Perrysburg
Loose beads (sets and focals) sold on site at:
1. The Bead Boutique 2015 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48912
Just for fun: Facebook: Glass Lampwork beads and Jewelry by Chris Sanderson (Remember to click on the "like" button for updates)