I'm happy happy happy!!! I figured out the Custom White Balance on my camera and now I have good photos to share!
Well this is an improvement for sure! I think one more round at the camera with my lighting and backgrounds and I'll be even happier with my photos. A little more tweaking and I think my backgrounds will be brighter/whiter and there will be fewer/less harsh shadows. These were a pleasure to crop and edit tonight. This bead you have seen before in prior posts but I just had to show it now that it's pretty!
I had a nice phone visit with an long time family friend a few days ago and she is the inspiration behind these beads. Dorothy used to do needlework and always signed her work, "Turquoise Lady." I have a beautiful handmade embroidered rug that my mother started and the Turquoise Lady finished after my mom's passing. Turquoise Lady made a lot of things using these two colors so these beads are made with fond memories of her!
I tried out the new press that I got at the Gathering. I've always wanted this particular press. You can see I got a better feel for the amount of glass needed to fill the press with each bead I made. First one is obviously on the left.
Staxx Brand now has a pendant that works just like the rings and my disc beads work with it!!! |
So I made some matching Staxx discs to go with the blue and green bead set.
Aren't these photos nice? The colors are very true - spot on really! I'm just so thrilled so you'll have to put up with my comments. I know I still have shadows but I am not going to get into the photo shop layers thing and do all that because I get too frustrated with that program. I even took a class and I still can't get comfortable using the program. My iPhoto on my mac does what I need for my purposes I think. I may add another light or reflectors - we'll see.
I made some silvered glass "messy beads" as these are always a customer favorite.
I believe these were all DH Triton over assorted transparents. If it was not Triton it was Psyche.
Here are some more of those fabulous Clio beads - Love them!
These both have a white core, before the process using striking Orange and Clio with the Clear appropriately layered in between and on top.
This one glows to no end!
And another silvered "messy bead" which I think is already sold.
Okay now for these last pictures, you have seen them all before in prior posts but now that they are photographed using the custom white balance I wanted to show them again for a more true rendering of the bead colors. If you don't want to look at them, I'll stop with my comments here and thank you for reading my blog. I sent a thank you out to my friends, family and customers via my facebook fan page tonight because I am so grateful for all their excitement, encouragement and support of me and my beads and jewelry. I also want to express that to all of my blog followers too - so thank, you thank you, thank you! Hope you all are having a wonderful end to your summer!!!